
مختصر نظام التنفيذ النظام أصبح فرعاً جديداً من فروع القضاء بالمملكة العربية السعودية و ذلك من خلال تطبيقه لأول مرة من قبل الجهات القضائية في ربيع الثاني عام ١٤٣٤ هجرية. و تكمن أهمية النظام من ناحية قضاءه على ظاهرة التساهل في تنفيذ الأحكام القضائية و المستندات ذات الطابع الملزم نظاماً كالشيكات مثلاً, و أيضاً خفف النظام العبء على قضاة المحاكم الأخرى من خلال تقليل أعداد قضايا المماطلة المالية و من خلال إختصاص قضاة التنفيذ بالفصل فيها. وسع المنظم من صلاحيات قاضي التنفيذ مما نتج عنه سرعة وصول الحقوق إلى أهلها, و ذلك من خلال منح القاضي حرية إختيار إحدى الطرق العقابية (الحجز على الأموال, حجب الوكالات المباشرة و غير المباشرة, الحجز. إلخ) و الملزمة للخصم بالحضور للجلسة أو بتنفيذ السند التنفيذي عملاً بالأمر الصادر عن قاضي التنفيذ. و أهم محاور النظام الآتي: ١-السندات التنفيذية. ٢-محل التنفيذ . ٣-أعوان القاضي. ٤-خطوات و إجراءات التنفيذ. و أقدم هنا شرحاً مختصراً عن أهم ما يحتويه كل محور. و تنقسم السندات التنفيذية إلى ثمان أنواع: ١- الأحكام, و القرارات, و الأوامر ...

How to Write An Essay player

Slight Notes for New Employee

Slight Notes for New Employee [1] It is obvious to any human being to feel nerves when he/she getting into a new environment, especially the kind of places where they have to be there for almost all of their time in weekdays. The reason why we get anxious about involving in new group is because we might ‘confronted with unpredictable and uncontrollable events.’ [2] As result, we need a pre-strategy to successfully achieve the first impression we look for. [3] The following instructions are suggested by my, according to my own experience: 1-    Gather as much information as you can about the employees working in the same place you will start in. There are many ways of doing that, for example, search the company’s website to find any news, articles, bibliographies.  You need this kind of data to create an overview about the people you will work for or with, therefore, you can avoid sort of things they might not like or doing what they could like, ...

Reign of Blood | Wake up Muslims! - [HD]


Australian & Saudi Arabian React and Act Against Anti-Competitive Behavior in Telecommunication factor

The assessment: compare and contrast between Australian and Saudi Arabian regimes in dealing with anti-competitive actions in telecommunication sector. Ø   Introduction A prosecution in 388 BC, resulting from an incident in Greece, was the first trial that confronted unfair trading activity resulting from the adoption of anti-trust methods to affect the market balance by eliminating or destroying competitors. This brought to the attention of the lawyers of that day the potential dangers inherent in commercial conduct. [1]   The Greek incident occurred when a group of grain merchants stored goods for a while and spread rumours about an expected shortage in grain supply, and also the probable chance of war. As a result, the traders made an unreasonable profit arising from the increased selling price of the grain due to the panic they created among the people.  In consequence, the authorities arrested the merchants for causing an imbalance in the market, ...