
إدارة العقود في الأندية الرياضية

إدارة العقود في الأندية الرياضية التسويق قد يجذب المال خاصة للجهات ذات المتابعة الجماهيرية لكن المشكلة الحقيقية تبدأ حين وجود المال و غياب أساليب الإدارة و منها إدارة العقود و أهم عناصرها التفاوض و القدرة على الوفاء بالعقود، و هذا ما تفتقده الأندية الرياضية. مدير لعبة في ناد ما (أحد الأندية الكبيرة) طلب تجهيز عقود مدرب و لاعب و بعد أن جُهزت له تم وضع أتعاب وكيل الأعمال أقل من المعتاد (المعمول به ١٠٪ من قيمة مجموع العقد)، رفض مدير اللعبة هذه النسبة و طلب وضع النسبة المعتادة دون عرضها على الوكيل. ما يجهله كثير من العاملين في الوسط الرياضي أن عمولة وكيل الأعمال قابلة للتفاوض و ليست ملزمة (لا يوجد نص بالإلزام) و عليه فإن إمكانية تخفيض المبالغ المترتبة على التعاقد ممكنة، و هذا ما حصل مع مدير اللعبة حين قبل أن يزود بنموذجي عقد أحدهما بنسبة أقل للعمولة و المفاجأة أن وكيل اللاعبين قبل بها ! و تبين بعد ذلك أن وكيل اللاعب هو في نفس الوقت وكيل المدرب، و هذا أيضاً عامل آخر لتخفيض المبالغ. من أكبر الأخطاء في نظري أن يتولى مدير اللعبة التفاوض من البداية، إدارة الاحتراف بالنادي هي من يج...

The Permissibility of Capital Punishment

Interdiction Capital punishment is a solution for each person who is involved somehow in a murder except for a killer. Parents of a crime  victem will feel much better if the one who took their son's/daughter's life  being executed upon his/her crime, also the state might save money of  accommodating and feeding  and  another life if they do not throw the killer into a jail for the rest of his/her life. However, some would claim; it is a horrifying moment to see a human being being put to death (killing them intentionally), so why even discussing the idea of justifying prosecution. In fact, convicts who accused with premeditated murder can be punished by jailed for life, until they die naturally. Therefore, we can save one life instead of losing two, the victim and the murderer, by abandoning capital punishment. Life in prison is the suitable penalty for killers, to keep their danger away from society and keep them breathing; therefore, fairness ...

Social media critical to growth of small and medium size law firms/ الدور المهم لوسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية في تنمية أعمالك المتوسطة الحجم

الترجمة بالأسفل Social media plays a critical role in the growth and marketing efforts of small and medium businesses (SMBs) according to a  LinkedIn survey  of financial decision makers at SMBs in the U.S. and Canada. Titled Priming the Economic Engine: How Social Media is Driving Growth for Small and Medium Businesses, LinkedIn partnered with TNS for the study and surveyed 998 North American small and medium business professionals with revenue between $1 million and less than $50 million. The study, which focused on helping financial services providers understand the value of social for connecting with SMBs, found social to be invaluable. Per LinkedIn’s Jennifer Grazel ( @jgrazel ): …[I]f financial services providers want to build relationships with this desirable sector, social networks offer the most influential and trusted venue.” For financial marketers, SMBs’ engagement with social media presents a lucrative marketing opportunity. Building relations...

The Five Essential Characters of Corporates in Australia

According to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), there are more than 1.77 million corporations registered in Australia operating under the Corporations Act, which informs the observation of these five substantial features. [1]   Moreover, most of these characteristics are necessary in order to create a company in Australia. These criteria are: official personality, limited liability, transferable shares, appointed management under board structure and contributed capital by shared owners. [2]   In fact, the aim of these five essential characteristics is to make the performance of each more flexible, by avoiding the conflicts that might occur among shareholders or between them and other involved participants – such as managers, employees or creditors. [3] I.          Legal Personality The first requirement of a company is specified in structuring a legal attitude, where the company is distinguished from it...